There has been an extremely positive response, from both cherry growers and industry stakeholders alike, to the July launch of CGA’s proposed restructure and the roll out of the industry pledge.
Behind the scenes, CGA has been working hard to make sure plans are in place to enable transition of the organisation, once industry support is certain. CGA is not far off from being able to take those first steps.
CGA is asking you to please consider the information contained in the ‘Restructure Proposal’ and if you haven’t done so already to complete and return a pledge form.
The new structure aims to create a more inclusive and equitable platform for all cherry growers to have input into CGA’s focus and activities ensuring, with the support of a skills-based board and increased resourcing for staffing:
CGA’s end game is to support a thriving and sustainable Australian cherry industry!
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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