The purpose of the Association is to promote the Cherry Industry and develop and educate members to improve their business prospects and environment.
Membership of the Victorian Cherry Association (VCA) is open to any person engaged in the cherry industry or who is interested in the industry or the objectives of the VCA.
VCA objectives:
- To promote, foster and protect the Victoria cherry industry and to establish a closer bond of unity and cooperation amongst all persons engaged in the industry.
- To advise members on matters relating to the cherry industry.
- To promote or oppose measures affecting the cherry industry.
- To communicate to members information on all matters affecting the association and the objects of the association and to print, publish, issue and circulate leaflets and other publications as may seem conducive to any of the objects of the association.
- To represent the members and the cherry industry generally in any other organisation concerned with the industry.
VCA Committee
President Alison Jones
Vice President Michael Rouget
Treasurer & Secretary Chris Turnbull
General Committee Andrew Fairley, Stephen Riseborough, Andrew Smith
Cherry Growers Australia (CGA)

CGA is the national organisation that represents the interests of its member states and cherry growers from around Australia.
VCA is a member of CGA.
More information on the CGA and its activities can be found at
Please note:
The Victorian Cherry Association does not provide consultancy services or information on the growing of cherries.
People interested in commercial production should contact their local department of Primary Industries or Horticultural Consultant.
Pickers: contact the National Harvest Trail on 1800 062 332. The Victorian Cherry Association does not employ orchard workers.