Fight Food Waste CRC Small to Medium Enterprise Solutions Fund.
Grants of up to $50K matched funding to create a value-added offering from food waste. For more information click here.
Australia-China Agricultural Cooperation Agreement (ACACA) 2020 Grant
Round 1 up to $50,000 for a project undertaken in Australia or China to enhance cooperation between china and Australia & Round 2 is up to $15,000 for a Trade Mission to China. Visit the Australian Government Community Grants website for further information.
Traceability Grants Program – Round 1
Minimum $20,000 Grants to enhance traceability of agricultural products particularly for exports along the supply chain. Traceability covers food safety, plant and pest and disease status, provenance, authenticity and social matters such as sustainability and welfare practices. Visit the Australian Government Community Grants website for further information.
Package Assisting Small Exporters (PASE)
Funding available (not specified, as long as it’s not over total grant project funding of $5million over 3 years) for projects that assist small agricultural exports to overcome barriers in participation in the export sector and to identify opportunities. Visit the Australian Government Community Grants website for further information.
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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