As well as changes to make it more attractive for working holiday makers to stay for longer on farms, the Commonwealth Government also introduced changes to make the Seasonal Worker Programme even more attractive to growers.
-From the 5th of November 2018, seasonal workers from all countries will be able to work for a period of up to nine months in Australia (up from the existing six months), but must spend three months out of every twelve in their home country.
-Growers will only have to contribute $300 toward the airfare cost for each worker instead of the current $500.
-Labour market testing must run for a minimum of two weeks and the results will be valid for six months from the date the advertisement was removed rather than 3 months as it is now.
So the takeaway message is there are lots of changes either underway or soon to commence. For further information or to source harvest workers, contact the Harvest Trail – 1800 062 332
Source: MADEC
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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