Current News
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The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has also announced a proposal to vary the award to include a provision for 'unpaid pandemic leave', which would include:
- The right for employees to take two weeks of “unpaid pandemic leave”; and
- The capacity for employer and employee to agree for the employee to take twice as much annual leave at half pay.
The provision will only be effective during the pandemic. The leave will be available to all employees, including casuals. A 'double leave at half pay' situation would be available by agreement.
Source: APAL
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- Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme workers can extend their stay for up to 12 months to work for approved employers (ensuring pastoral care and accommodation needs of workers are met to minimise health risks to visa holders and the community).
- Approved employers under the Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme will need to continue engaging with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment on labour market testing to ensure recruitment of Australians first.
- Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) who work in agriculture or food processing will be exempt from the six month work limitation with the one employer and eligible for a further visa to keep working in these critical sectors if their current visa is due to expire in the next six months.
- Conditions will be placed upon visa holders to self-isolate for 14 days before taking up employment in a different region (including termination of visas where there is non-compliance).
- To support implementation of self-isolation arrangements for visa holders and avoid spread of COVID-19 the government is working with states and territories on enforcement and sanction mechanisms.
- Employers will need to commit to providing safe accommodation for agricultural workers that complies with social distancing requirements.
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The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) Workplace Guide contains basic advice on managing the impact on farming workplaces, including relevant work health and safety and industrial relations considerations.
The Guide is intended to facilitate thinking and decision making about the health and safety of people on farm, including family and workers, and ongoing job and business security and continuity.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the Guide is only intended to provide high level guidance and assistance of a very general nature. Click here to view.
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There has been a lot of calls from growers seeking safety and hygiene posters in different languages that can be displayed in around the orchard to assist with dealing with the COVID-19 situation. Please see the below resources that may assist:
- Publications, videos, reports and more.- - Translated resources to help share the messaging about coronavirus (COVID-19) in various languages -
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The Federal Government has announced its intention to pass the JobKeeper payment program which is designed to support employees and businesses affected by COVID-19. This is a long awaited stimulus measure that assists employers in retaining their workforce.
In summary, the proposal is for a wage subsidy, dubbed the JobKeeper payment, to be made to employers of $1,500 per fortnight per employee to help businesses retain workers through this period.
Key points for employers
- To be eligible and register, employers need to make a declaration that their revenue / turnover has dropped by at least 30% as a result of the current restrictions / COVID19 impact (businesses with $1 billion turnover need to declare a 50% reduction in turnover).
- The subsidy is a flat payment of $1,500 per fortnight, per employee. Aimed to cover part time, full time, casual workers and sole traders who have been in their role for 12 months or more.
- Subsidies available for a period of 6 months from 30 March 2020.
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