New Fair Work information Statement: Do you give all new employees a copy? Find out more information here...
Public Holiday Pay FAQ's: Click here to view information on frequently asked questions regarding Holiday pay...
Annual Leave Loading: Do you know if you should pay it? Whether you do or not will depend on the rules in the applicable award or enterprise agreement. Find out more information here...
Visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website for more information...
This years Cherry Season Launch was held in the lovely Yarra Valley in Seville at Yarra Valley Cherries on Saturday, 7 December.
The Season Launch had a focus on creating a link between cherries and beauty. The launch included influencers who participated in activities which included a 'meet the grower' session, you-pick, cherry grazing lunch, a packing shed tour and specialised food styling lesson.
The events purpose was to build awareness and knowledge of the season, variety of cherries, pristine growing environment, gifting and recipe ideas, and health and beauty benefits of the fruit.
Special thanks to the Andrew and Tash and the YV team for hosting this amazing day.
The on-farm energy tier 2 grants are available to eligible primary producers until March 2020 or until available funding is exhausted (whichever comes first). Apply early so you don’t miss out.
The Victorian Government can provide $50,000 to $250,000 (excluding GST) for on-farm energy tier 2 grants matched against a cash contribution of at least 50 per cent.
*Please note that when you receive your original assessment, you do not automatically advance to the next stage. You will need to apply for the grant funding.
For more information or to apply, visit the Ag Vic website...
Rural Aid is proud of its support of farmers and rural communities. The Buy a Bale program is a natural disaster assistance program for those suffering flood, fire or the effects of drought in rural communities.
The Buy a Bale program has become more than fodder.... Today the Buy a Bale campaign is part of the charity Rural Aid to expand services and support to rural communities not only suffering through natural disasters but communities that need help remaining in existence, our rural communities are disappearing and need help.
To anyone seeking Rural Aid over the Christmas period, please visit the 'Buy a Bale' website...
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
Web design by Fruit Tree Media