Media Release- 28th September 2022
CGA secures major pilot project on traceability
Cherry Growers Australia has secured a major innovative project to strengthen traceability for cherry exports high-value markets.
Cherry Growers Australia (CGA) and Agriculture Victoria will partner to lead an innovative cherry supply chain traceability pilot for on-farm traceability and high-value export markets.
Duty on labour hire providers and host employers to consult, cooperate and coordinate
From 22 March 2022, changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) extend the definitions of 'employer' and 'employee'. The changes ensure labour hire workers are considered employees of their host employer for the purposes of the OHS Act. From 22 March 2022, changes to the OHS Act also include a duty for labour hire providers and host employers to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with each other where they share OHS Act duties to the same worker, so far as reasonably practicable.
Induction Checklist: Who is responsible for training labour hire workers?
An induction is more than just explaining the company’s purpose and a guided tour of the building. Inductions and training help new employees understand how to best perform in their role, train them to use the company’s systems, and introduce them to their key colleagues.
Most importantly, inductions are a critical measure to ensure workers know how to carry out their role safely. Read more of this article here...
Make a commitment to workplace health and safety in October
Health and safety should be acknowledged every day of the year. However, National Health and Safety Month (recognised in October) gives employers a chance to commit to building better workplaces for their employees.
This year’s overarching theme is ‘Know safety, work safely’. This is especially relevant in industries that routinely use labour hire, where the nature of work can be more high risk. Read more of this article here...
Mandatory COVID-19 isolation periods scrapped from October 14, emergency response 'finished' says national cabinet
Rules forcing people to isolate for five days if they test positive to COVID-19 will end from October 14 for everyone, with support for some workers to be able to continue isolation if needed. ABC News
The Shine Awards is a campaign by The Weekly Times, supported by Harvey Norman, celebrating the passion, dedication, spirit, belief, grace and courage of women across rural and regional Australia. Nominate a rural woman who makes a real difference in her community or industry, so we can share her story.
Grants are available for eligible horticulture enterprises operating in Victoria. The Program will provide for up to 50 per cent of eligible costs to purchase and commercially install new horticultural netting (fixed and demountable), to a maximum of $150,000 (ex GST). The application period for this grants program is between 17 August 2022 and 17 October 2022. Visit the Ag Vic website for more information.
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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