New pay secrecy and job ad laws
New workplace laws about pay secrecy and what can be included in job advertisements (ads) now apply. These changes are part of the Australian Government’s new Secure Jobs, Better Pay legislation that passed in December 2022. The new laws include
These changes apply now, with some transitional arrangements.
Reminder - paid family and domestic violence leave from 1 February 2023
From 1 February 2023, employees of non-small business employers (employers with 15 or more employees) can access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave every 12 months. Employees of small business employers can access this leave from 1 August 2023.
Find out more at New paid family and domestic violence leave.
Secure Jobs, Better Pay update
As you are likely aware, the Fair Work Act was recently amended to change a number of existing rules and introduced a range of new workplace laws. Many of these changes started on 7 December 2022, with other changes starting later. We have developed a Secure Jobs, Better Pay timeline to help show key start dates for the changes. To find out more about these changes and when they start please refer to the below:
We know that growers are a resilient group of people. The last 2 years have been a lot for everyone with Covid, Floods, Hail storms and cost of production pressures. If you need help please reach out to one of the following services:
As we head into harvest, check you have efficient and safe transport for workers between orchards.
We all remember the tragic death of the Woorinen South worker, who suffered fatal head injuries after falling from a trailer.
This picking season, we're asking all growers to prepare safe work systems, so everyone can return home safely to their families and communities.
Coles Nurture Fund
Coles launched the $50 million Nurture Fund in April 2015 to help Australian food and liquor producers innovate and grow. Since then, we have offered more than $30 million in financial support to more than 90 small and medium sized businesses. . Australian producers can apply for a grant of up to $500,000 to help them develop new market-leading products, technologies and processes. Applications for Round 11 are now open and will close on Friday 24 February 2023.
Visit the Coles Nurture fund website for more information on this grant including eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Following our state’s significant rain events, you may not be thinking about summer and working in the heat. However for a safe and successful harvest season, we all know it’s best to plan ahead.
Working outdoors in the heat can bring unique risks and our bodies can be tested and become fatigued during harvest times.
Fatigue isn’t the same as being sleepy or drowsy. It’s about pushing our bodies beyond their mental and physical limits day after day, with no time to recover.
The first of its kind, the Hub provides agribusinesses with information about traceability practices (including webinars, videos, podcasts and practical tools). The Hub provides a central, online place to inform, educate and connect businesses along the supply chain.
Check it out NOW-
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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